1. Download and install the Decoflame
App by scanning the QR code above cor-
responding to your smart device’s operat-
ing system.
2. In order to pair your fireplace with your
smart device, start the fireplace by pressing
‘ON’ button and insert the code highlight-
ed above.
Note: The code will appear only for a few seconds.
Make sure that you write it down or take a picture
of it.
. Once your device is paired, the fireplace
should be visible on the app. You are now
able to change the name of the fireplace.
Note: You are able to pair more than one fireplace
like described in the step nr. 2 and give them differ-
ent names.
4. Once you have selected your fireplace,
you can turn it on by pressing ‘START’. If the
fireplace has already been turned on us-
ing the display, you can now monitor the
fuel leven and the consumption.
5. For the ‘Turn Off Timer’ press the clock
icon in the lower right corner. To adjust the
remaining time, slide the dot to the left and
right and select ‘SET TIMER’. The remainig
burning time can be changed by repeating
the above mentioned steps. To cancel the
timer select ‘CLEAR TIMER’.
6. For adjusting the flame intesity, select
the desired level on the left side of the
screen. (1-lowest, 6-highest)
Should there not be enough fuel for the se-
lected burning time - the fireplace will shut
down automatically.
Select ‘STOP’ tu turn off the fireplace.