DeCrane Aerospace Audio International
LCD-9084-301-x Installation Manual
Document # 540332, Rev A, 01/2009
Page 4 of 18
2.1 Introduction
The LCD-9084-301-x is a flat panel LCD monitor with Composite video,
PC Graphic capabilities, and Serial Digital interface capabilities. If any one
of these formats is applied to their respective inputs, the monitor will
display that format. In the case that both Composite and VGA are applied,
the monitor defaults to the VGA input. The user can switch between
inputs, or set video input priority, using the On Screen Display (see
Section 3.8).
This unit incorporates an RS-485 serial data bus interface for
communication purposes to other network-connected devices. All RS-485
serial data bus electronic interface parameters are compliant to DAAI
document #640071.
Block Diagram
Typical Interfaces
2.4.1 Typical Video Input (Analog) interfaces include various types of
level compliant sources of VGA and Composite (SECAM, PAL, and