Dedicated Micros ©2007
SD Range
This page allows configuration of the network settings for the unit. Note that the unit is initially
configured for DHCP.
DHCP service will automatically interrogate any DHCP server
when a machine boots up and assign a free IP address, subnet
and gateway. This can be used to ensure an IP address is unique
to this machine. However, this could result in the machine having
a different IP address every time it boots. The IP address should
be noted and then DHCP disabled. Alternatively the unit can be
configured for DNS which enables DHCP to be maintained.
This is the IP address the DHCP server has allocated to the unit.
DHCP Subnet
This is the subnet of the network the unit is on that was
automatically allocated by the DHCP server on power up.
DHCP Gateway
This is the IP address of the default gateway (router) assigned by
the DHCP server.
This is the name of the DHCP server.
DNS Sys name
This field can be edited to assign a name to the unit which would
be displayed in NetVu ObserVer.
Primary DNS
This is the primary DNS server IP address for applications that are
utilising domain names.
Email (Red)
This Button will open the Email Page
(see later)
Maintain button (Green)
When IP configuration changes have been made, it is necessary
to reset and restart the SD unit This can be done via the Maintain
Email settings
The unit can send an email when it registers an event. The
settings for this email can be edited by clicking the Edit button,
refer to Email Settings.
Bandwidth selection
It is possible to set maximum limits for the bandwidth utilisation on
the Network port of the unit. The settings can be edited by clicking
the Edit button, refer to ‘Bandwidth selection’.