Status (parameter
Sub-status (parameter
= operating in domestic hot water mode
= normal operation
The compressor or the back-ups are running.
= internal set point limited
If the heating set point on the heat pump differs from the system set point.
= pump post-operation
Heat pump and back-up shut-down, system pump operation.
= compressor bypass
The back-ups are operating.
= the temperature exceeds the compressor's maximum operating tem
The compressor has stopped. The back-ups are operating.
= the outside temperature is lower than the compressor's maximum op
erating temperature
The compressor has stopped. The back-ups are operating.
= the hybrid function requests compressor shut-down
The compressor has stopped. The back-ups are operating.
= defrosting running
The compressor is running.
= defrosting conditions not met
The compressor has stopped. The back-ups are operating.
= defrosting running
The compressor and the back-ups are running.
= burner shut-down
= burner off
= closure of the shut-off damper
= closure of the flue damper
= end of heat demand (boiler shut-down)
= boiler pump post-operation time delay or domestic hot water back-up
start-up time delay
= boiler pump or domestic hot water stopped
= closure of the isolating valve
= start anti-short cycle
= pump post-operation
= pump post-operation
Heat pump and back-up shut-down, system pump post-operation.
= operation in cooling mode
= normal operation
Cooling is active.
= compressor shut-down owing to the condensation detector
= correction of the temperature set point
Increase in the cooling set point owing to the condensation detector.
= temperature lower than the minimum cooling temperature
Compressor shut-down.
= off
= awaiting burner start-up
= anti-short cycle activated
= controlled compressor shut-down
= off: the heating or cooling set point has been reached
= anti-short cycle
The heating set point has been reached. The compressor is not authorised to
= pump post-operation
Heat pump and back-up shut-down, system pump post-operation.
= the outside temperature is lower than the compressor's maximum op
erating temperature
The compressor has stopped. The back-ups are operating.
= the hybrid function requests compressor shut-down
The compressor has stopped. The back-ups are operating.
= compressor shut-down owing to the condensation detector
= compressor shut-down owing to the flow rate
= compressor and back-up bypass in heating / domestic hot water mode
= compressor and back-up bypass in cooling mode
= temperature lower than the minimum cooling temperature
Compressor shut-down.
6 Settings
7613346 - v05 - 13112018