Parameter Description
Factory setting
Peak rate/off-peak rate programmable input (X11):
0 = Use the timer programmes.
1 = The peak rate/off peak rate timer tariff input is used for the produc
tion of domestic hot water. Production of domestic hot water is not man
aged by the timer programming (HP1 = not authorised => contact
closed, HC0 = authorised => contact open).
2 = The peak rate/off peak rate timer tariff input is used for the produc
tion of domestic hot water. Production of domestic hot water is not man
aged by the timer programming (HP1 = not authorised => contact open,
HC0 = authorised => contact closed).
3 = Domestic hot water production is managed by the timer program
ming. The Boost function is activated by the peak rate/off-peak rate timer
tariff input. The Boost function is handled by the heat pump only, the
back-ups are blocked. The temperature of the Boost mode is defined by
parameter (HP1 = Boost deactivated => contact closed, HC0
= Boost activated => contact open). Note: this Boost function does not
correspond to the Boost operating mode which may be activated by the
MODE key.
4 = Domestic hot water production is managed by the timer program
ming. The Boost function is activated by the peak rate/off-peak rate timer
tariff input. The Boost is handled by the heat pump only, the back-ups
are blocked. The temperature of the Boost mode is defined by the
parameter (HP1 = Boost activated => contact open, HC0 = Boost de
activated => contact closed). Note: this Boost function does not corre
spond to the Boost operating mode which may be activated by the
MODE key.
5 = Domestic hot water production is managed by the timer program
ming. The Boost function is activated by the peak rate/off-peak rate timer
tariff input. The Boost is handled simultaneously by the heat pump and
by the back-ups. The temperature of the Boost mode is defined by the
P07 parameter. (HP1 = Boost deactivated => contact closed, HC0 =
Boost activated => contact open). Note: this Boost function does not cor
respond to the Boost operating mode which may be activated by the
MODE key.
6 = Domestic hot water production is managed by the timer program
ming. The Boost function is activated by the peak rate/off-peak rate timer
tariff input. The Boost is handled simultaneously by the heat pump and
by the back-ups. The temperature of the Boost mode is defined by the
P07 parameter. (HP1 = Boost activated => contact open, HC0 = Boost
deactivated => contact closed). Note: this Boost function does not corre
spond to the Boost operating mode which may be activated by the
MODE key.
0 – 6
Automatic switch to summer time (last Sunday in March) and to winter time
(last Sunday in October):
0 = Function not active (for countries where the time changes on other
dates or daylight saving time is not used)
1 = Function active
0 – 1
Domestic hot water set point for the Boost function when the Boost is con
trolled by the peak rate/off-peak rate programmable input (
Info: the domestic hot water set point for the Boost function accessible us
ing the MODE key is defined by the
40 to 70 °C
62 °C
Protection by impressed current anode
0 = Deactivation
1 = Activation
0 – 1
Volume of water contained in the tank (x 10 l)
6 - 255
Volume of water to fill one bath (litres). This setting is used to display the
number of baths available.
10 - 255
Duration of Boost mode when activated by the MODE key (in hours)
1 - 10
6 Commissioning
300026515 - v10 - 28082018