Thank you for buying Defender Car Vision 5015 FullHD car DVR.
Before using the device, read attentively this manual and keep it for the whole period of usage.
Carefully unpack the device, make sure no parts are left in the box. Check its integrity and absence of any free-
moving subjects. If the device was damaged while transportation, refer the company that carried out the
transportation; if the device does not operate, refer the seller immediately.
Do not switch on the device immediately after taking it to the room out of the environment with minus
temperatures! The unpacked device should be kept in the indoor temperature for at least 4 hours.
To avoid risk of electric shock do not open the device and do not repair it on your own.
Keep the device from transferring foreign particles into the holes.
Keep the device from excessive humidity, liquid, dust, vibration, mechanic loads, exposure of high temperatures
(higher than +50
) direct sunlight. Do not put it in the rooms with excessive humidity and dust.
The device can only be used and stored at temperatures b5 °C and +40 °C where moisture condensation
does not occur.
Do not use the gasoline, alcohol or other solvents for cleaning as they may damage the painted covering of the
device. To clean the device use soft dry cloth.
If the device does not operate, immediately disconnect the plug and refer to the shop where you bought the device.
Do not use the power supply to charge the device if the current is higher than that of the source in the kit with the
DVR - it may damage the battery.
DVR - 1 pc
Battery - 1 pc
Mounting suction - 1 pc.
Car charger - 1 pc
MiniUSB cable — 1 pc.
Operation manual - 1 pc.
Warranty coupon - 1 pc.