DEKKER Vacuum Technologies, Inc. – HullVac / September 2016
Cooling Water Piping (water cooled systems only)
Water-cooled systems require an adequate supply of cooling water at a maximum of 40°F and a maximum
supply pressure of 30 psig. If the cooling water temperature or available pressure is higher, consult your
dealer or call the factory.
The cooling water outlet connection of the heat exchanger may be fitted with an optional water miser
valve, which regulates the cooling water flow rate depending on pump operating temperature. To raise the
system operating temperature, turn the valve-adjusting screw counter-clockwise when viewed from the
top. To lower operating temperature, turn clockwise. Normal system operating temperature is between
140-160°F. Minimum oil temperature should not be below 55°F.
Disconnect Handles
:Disconnect handles must be turned on to energize the system. The handles
must be turned off to open control panel.
CAUTION: High voltage, main disconnect must be off when servicing panel.
HOA (Hand-Off-Auto) Selector Switch:
Pump units will start in HAND mode (unless units are in
a shutdown alarm condition). The pumps will bypass vacuum setpoints. AUTO mode, allows units to
start based on vacuum setpoints.
Reset Button:
The reset button is used to reset the starter overloads.
Audible Alarm:
The audible alarm signals that the lag pump is in operation. The alarm can be
silenced by pressing the RESET pushbutton. The audible alarm may also be used to signal other alarm
conditions, such as high temperature, low oil level or high back pressure.
Alarm Silence Button:
The alarm silence button is used to silence the audible alarm, but the light
will remain on unless alarm condition has been corrected.
Alarm Reset Pushbutton:
The alarm reset pushbutton is used to reset an alarm condition when
the condition has been rectified.