Chapter 2: OpenManage Enterprise - Modular Console
Dell EMC PowerEdge MX
Networking Architecture Guide
Figure 19 shows all the PowerEdge MX networking IOMs in the MCM group. The REST
API endpoint is used for switch life cycle management from the OME-M console in Full
Switch mode, and most configuration operations for SmartFabric Services mode. Some
administrative tasks include:
View IOM-specific alerts
Power cycle the IOM
Configure or change device management information
Configure supported breakout port modes
Configure port administrative states
Configure MTU
Toggle Auto Negotiation
Update IOM firmware
Figure 19. OME-M console
– I/O Modules inventory
Figure 20 shows using the OME-M console to change the Breakout Type for port-
group1/1/1 on the IOM-A1, a MX9116n FSE. This behavior is similar for the MX5108n.