Chapter 1: Dell EMC PowerEdge MX Platform Overview
Dell EMC PowerEdge MX
Networking Architecture Guide
Figure 5.
Dell EMC PowerEdge MX5016s sled with the drive bay extended
PowerEdge MX7000 (rear)
The MX7000 includes three I/O fabrics. Fabrics A and B are for Ethernet and future I/O
module connectivity, and Fabric C is for SAS and Fibre Channel (FC) connectivity. Each
fabric provides two slots to provide redundancy. Figure 6 shows the rear of the
PowerEdge MX7000 chassis. From top to bottom the chassis is configured with:
One Dell EMC Networking MX9116n Fabric Switching Engine (FSE) installed in
fabric slot A1
One Dell EMC Networking MX7116n Fabric Expander Module (FEM) installed in
fabric slot A2
Two Dell EMC Networking MX5108n Ethernet switches installed in fabric slots B1
and B2
Two Dell EMC Networking MXG610s Fibre Channel switches installed in fabric slots
C1 and C2
Two Dell EMC PowerEdge MX9002m modules that are installed in management
slots MM1 and MM2