Dell Enterprise Systems Group
Page 1
March 2006
Dell |EMC AX150/AX150i
Network Storage System
Key Points
Shared storage for up to 10 servers using either a familiar Gigabit
Ethernet (“AX150i”) or a higher performance Fibre Channel (FC)
network (“AX150”).
Customer installable and scalable
- Ideal for small businesses or
departments/workgroups in large enterprises. Simple, appliance-like
installation process helps you deploy a SAN (Storage Area Network)
in four easy steps
Large storage capacity
– scales from 750GB up to 6 TB of storage
Data protection
– Redundant storage processors, fully redundant “N+1
Power” and UPS or battery-backed cache create a highly available
architecture. SATA-II hard drives provide increased performance
versus standard SATA drives.
Simplified, integrated management features
– Includes all the easy-to-use
software you need for management, snapshots, and automated data
path failover. And, you can add servers to the array at no additional
software cost.
The Dell/EMC AX150
and AX150i can be
deployed in 4 simple
steps and offer highly
available networked
storage at breakthrough