2. Follow the procedure listed in the
Before working inside your system
3. Disconnect any cables that are connected to the expansion card or expansion card riser.
Remove the expansion card riser
1. Flip the expansion card riser to locate the connectors on the riser.
2. Holding the card by its edges, remove the expansion card from the expansion card riser.
Figure 41. Removing the expansion card from the expansion card riser
3. If applicable, disconnect the cables from the expansion card.
4. If you are removing the card permanently, install a filler bracket in the empty expansion card slot.
Install a filler bracket over an empty expansion card slot to maintain Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
certification of the system. The brackets also keep dust and dirt out of the system and aid in proper cooling and airflow
inside the system.
Figure 42. Installing the expansion card filler
Next steps
Install the expansion card into the expansion card riser
Installing and removing system components