802.1x Commands
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\CLI Folders\Dell Contax
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 5 / 1 5 /1 2 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
dot1x timeout quiet-period
Use the
dot1x timeout quiet-period
Interface Configuration (Ethernet)
mode command to set the time interval that the device remains in a quiet
state following a failed authentication exchange (for example, the client
provided an invalid password). Use the
form of this command to restore
the default configuration.
dot1x timeout quiet-period
no dot1x timeout quiet-period
—Specifies the time interval in seconds that the device remains in a
quiet state following a failed authentication exchange with the client. (Range:
0–65535 seconds)
Default Configuration
The default quiet period is 60 seconds.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet) mode
User Guidelines
During the quiet period, the device does not accept or initiate authentication
The default value of this command should only be changed to adjust to
unusual circumstances, such as unreliable links or specific behavioral
problems with certain clients and authentication servers.
To provide faster response time to the user, a smaller number than the default
value should be entered.
The following example sets the time interval that the device remains in the
quiet state following a failed authentication exchange to 3600 seconds.