FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\CLI Folders\Dell Contax
D E L L C O N F ID E N T I A L – P RE L IM I N A RY 2 0 1 2 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
netbios-dgm (138), netbios-ns (137), non500-isakmp (4500), ntp (123),
rip (520), snmp (161), snmptrap (162), sunrpc (111), syslog (514), tacacs
(49), talk (517), tftp (69), time (37), who (513), xdmcp (177). (Range:
—Specifies the UDP/TCP source port. Predefined port names
are defined in the destination-port parameter. (Range: 0–65535)
—List of TCP flags that should occur. If a flag
should be set it is prefixed by “+”.If a flag should be unset it is prefixed
by “-”. Available options are +urg, +ack, +psh, +rst, +syn, +fin, -urg, -
ack, -psh, -rst, -syn and -fin. The flags are concatenated to a one string.
For example: +fin-ack.
time-range-name—Name of the time range that applies to this permit
statement. (Range: 1–32)
—The Ethernet interface would be disabled if the condition
is matched.
—Specifies to send an informational syslog message about the
packet that matches the entry. Because forwarding is done in hardware
and logging is done in software, if a large number of packets match a deny
ACE containing a log-input keyword, the software might not be able to
match the hardware processing rate, and not all packets will be logged.
No IPv6 access list is defined.
Command Mode
IPv6 Access-list Configuration mode
User Guidelines
The number of TCP/UDP ranges that can be defined in ACLs is limited. You
can define up to #ASIC-specific ranges for TCP and up to #ASIC-specific
ranges for UDP. If a range of ports is used for source port in ACE it would be
not be counted again if it is also used for source port in another ACE. If a
range of ports is used for a destination port in ACE it would be not be
counted again if it is also used for a destination port in another ACE.
If a range of ports is used for source port it would be counted again if it is also
used for destination port.