4 of 12
This feature allows you to view the total number of all accumulated readings for the
given product you have chosen, the average of those readings, and the highest
stored reading.
To add a reading to the sum of all previously stored readings, release the
read button (#1)
within 2 seconds. If you press and hold the read button #1, the
meter will repeat its read cycle, but will not add a new reading to the storage until
the button is released.
To view the readings
press and release the calibration check button (#2). First
the meter displays the number of accumulated readings for one second, then the
average of those readings for two seconds. Then it displays the highest stored
reading for two seconds. The total "cycle" time is five seconds.
To erase all the accumulated readings
, hold the calibration check button (#2)
for more than five seconds until the meter displays “0.”
To keep the accumulated readings in memory,
release the calibration check
button (#2) before the total cycle time is complete.
The meter will accumulate up to 100 readings. After all 100 readings are stored, it
will not add new readings until the memory has been cleared. It will also continue to
display the average of all 100 readings as a reminder that the memory is full.
Readings below 8% will be displayed as “0”. Those above 40% will be displayed
as “99.9.” Neither will be added to the accumulated readings or used in
calculation of average or highest reading.
Press and release
the calibration check button (#2).
Within one second
, press and hold the scale button (#3).
The meter will reset itself
and display “119.” This indicates that the meter has
been reset to scale #1 (hay) and default set-point 19%. It will also clear all of the
readings stored in memory.
If you are testing hops, you must change the scale back to #2 after resetting the
TESTING BALED HAY – set meter to scale no 1
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