Revision September 2013
Chapter 5
Trial Run and Tuning
This chapter, which is divided into two parts, describes trial run for servo drive and motor.
One part is to introduce the trial run without load, and the other part is to introduce trial run
with load. Ensure to complete the trial run without load first before performing the trial run
with load.
5.1 Inspection without Load
In order to prevent accidents and avoid damaging the servo drive and mechanical system,
the trial run should be performed under no load condition (no load connected, including
disconnecting all couplings and belts). Do not run servo motor while it is connected to load
or mechanical system because the unassembled parts on motor shaft may easily
disassemble during running and it may damage mechanical system or even result in
personnel injury. After removing the load or mechanical system from the servo motor, if the
servo motor can runs normally following up the normal operation procedure (when trial run
without load is completed), then the users can connect to the load and mechanical system
to run the servo motor.
In order to prevent accidents, the initial trial run for servo motor should be
conducted under no load conditions (separate the motor from its couplings
and belts).
Caution: Please perform trial run without load first and then perform trial run
with load connected. After the servo motor is running normally and regularly
without load, then run servo motor with load connected. Ensure to perform trial
run in this order to prevent unnecessary danger.
After power in connected to AC servo drive, the charge LED will light and it indicates that
AC servo drive is ready. Please check the followings before trial run:
Inspection before operation (Control power is not applied)
Inspect the servo drive and servo motor to insure they were not damaged.
To avoid an electric shock, be sure to connect the ground terminal of servo drive to
the ground terminal of control panel.
VARITEL INGENIERIA ELECTRONICA S.A. - - Tel. (54) 11-4243-1171 / Fax: (54) 11-4292-7545
Manuel Baliña 456, Lomas de Zamora (B1832CCJ) Buenos Aires, Argentina.