Temperature calibration of the instrument may be carried out either with an external simulator or
with a specific probe to be coupled to the instrument and a calibration oven.
Calibration may be performed independently on the input A, on the input B for TP 870 probes and
on the input B for 4-wire Pt100 probes. Each input may be calibrated independently of the others
because the instrument has different calibration parameters for each input.
Attention when calibrating temperature.
When you want to calibrate the instrument for temperature, connect it to only one Pt100
simulator or only one temperature probe.
Instrument calibration.
Instrument calibration comprises compensation of the offset (with the first calibration point) and of
the amplification of the instrument (with the second calibration point).
After having connected to the instrument the Pt100 simulator corresponding to the type of input that
you want to calibrate, select program P11 by pressing the PROG key repeatedly.
With P11 on the display, press the ENTER key. The top of the display will show the message CAL,
while the bottom of the display will show the simulated temperature.
First calibration point 0.0°C (or 32.0°F).
* With the Pt100 simulator simulate a temperature of 0.0°C (32.0°F).
* Wait for the reading to become stable.
* Press the PROG button, the °C symbol (or the °F symbol) will flash and the instrument will propo-
se the calibration temperature of 0.0°C (or 32.0°F).
* Press the PROG button, the °C symbol (or the °F symbol) stops flashing and the instrument gra-
dually goes to the calibration value of 0.0°C (or 32.0°F).
Second calibration point 197.0°C (or 386°F).
* With the Pt100 simulator simulate a temperature of 197.0°C (386°F).
* Wait for the reading to become stable.
* Press the PROG button, the °C symbol (or the °F symbol) will flash and the instrument will propo-
se the calibration temperature of 197.0°C (or 386°F).
* Press the PROG button, the °C symbol (or the °F symbol) stops flashing, the instrument returns to
normal function, leaving the calibration procedure, and gradually goes to the calibration value of
197.0°C (or 386°F).
After the second calibration point the procedure is complete.
Calibration of the instrument plus probe.
Instrument calibration comprises compensation of the offset (with the first calibration point) and of
the amplification of the instrument (with the second calibration point).
For this type of calibration a calibration oven must be used, the temperature of which must be mea-
sured with a reference instrument with precision higher than 0.05°C.