Chapter 11 Description of Parameter Settings
C200 Series
Ramp to Stop and Coast to Stop
Oper atio n
Co mmand
Moto r
Ro tatio n
Spe ed
Oper atio n
Co mmand
Stops acc ording t o
deceler ation time
Free running
to stop
Ou tp ut
Freq uenc y
Moto r
Ro tatio n
Spe ed
Freq uency
Frequenc y
Ramp to stop:
the AC motor drive decelerates from the setting of deceleration time to 0 or
minimum output frequency (Pr. 01-09) and then stop (by Pr.01-07).
Coast to stop:
the AC motor drive stops the output instantly upon a STOP command and the
motor free runs until it comes to a complete standstill.
(1) It is recommended to use “ramp to stop” for safety of personnel or to prevent material from
being wasted in applications where the motor has to stop after the drive is stopped. The
deceleration time has to be set accordingly.
(2) If the motor free running is allowed or the load inertia is large, it is recommended to select
“coast to stop”. For example, blowers, punching machines and pumps
The stop method of the torque control is also set by Pr.00-22.
Control of Motor Direction
Factory Setting: 0
0: Enable forward/ reverse
1: Disable reverse
2: Disable forward
This parameter enables the AC motor drives to run in the forward/reverse Direction. It may be
used to prevent a motor from running in a direction that would consequently injure the user or
damage the equipment.
Memory of Frequency Command
Factory Setting: Read Only
Settings Read only
If keypad is the source of frequency command, when Lv or Fault occurs the present frequency
command will be saved in this parameter.
User Defined Characteristics
Factory Setting: 0
Settings Bit 0~3: user define on decimal place
0000b: no decimal place
0001b: one decimal place
0010b: two decimal place
0011b: three decimal place
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