Chapter 11 Description of Parameter Settings
C200 Series
Bit 4~15: user define on unit
000xh: Hz
001xh: rpm
002xh: %
003xh: kg
Bit 0~3: F & H page unit and Pr.00-26 decimal display is supported up to 3 decimal places.
Bit 4~15: F & H page unit and Pr.00-26 unit display is supported up to 4 types of unit display.
Max. User Defined Value
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
0~65535 (when Pr.00-25 set to no decimal place)
0.0~6553.5 (when Pr.00-25 set to 1 decimal place)
0.0~655.35 (when Pr.00-25 set to 2 decimal place)
0.0~65.535 (when Pr.00-25 set to 3 decimal place)
User define is enabled when Pr.00-26 is not 0. The setting of Pr.00-26 corresponds to Pr.01.00
(Max. output frequency of the drive).
Example: User define: 100.0%, Pr.01-00 = 60.00Hz
Pr.00-25 setting is 0021h; Pr.00-26 setting is 100.0%
The drive will display as Pr.00-25 setting when Pr.00-25 is properly set and Pr.00-26 is not 0.
User Defined Value
Factory Setting: Read only
Settings Read only
Pr.00-27 will show user defined value when Pr.00-26 is not set to 0.
User defined function is valid when Pr.00-20 is set to digital keypad control or RS-285
communication input control.
Settings 0: Standard HOA function
1: Switching Local/Remote, the drive stops
2: Switching Local/Remote, the drive runs as the REMOTE setting for
frequency and operation status
3: Switching Local/Remote, the drive runs as the LOCAL setting for frequency
and operation status
4: Switching Local/Remote, the drive runs as LOCAL setting when switch to
Local and runs as REMOTE setting when switch to Remote for frequency
and operation status.
The factory setting of Pr.00-29 is 0 (standard Hand-Off-Auto function). The AUTO frequency and
source of operation can be set by Pr.00-20 and Pr.00-21, and the HAND frequency and source of
operation can be set by Pr.00-30 and Pr.00-31. AUTO/HAND mode can be selected or switched by
using digital keypad (KPC-CC01) or setting multi-function input terminal MI= 41, 42.
Call 1(800)985-6929 for Sales
Call 1(800)985-6929 for Sales