Chapter 11 Description of Parameter Settings
C200 Series
4: multi-step speed command 4/multi-step position command 4
5: Reset
6: JOG command
By KPC-CC01 or external control
7: acceleration/deceleration speed not allow
8: the 1
, 2
acceleration/deceleration time selection
9: the 3
, 4
acceleration/deceleration time selection
10: EF Input (Pr.07-20)
11: B.B input from external (Base Block)
12: Output stop
13: cancel the setting of the optimal acceleration/deceleration time
14: switch between motor 1 and motor 2
15: operation speed command from AVI
16: operation speed command from ACI
17: operation speed command from AUI
18: Emergency stop (Pr.07-20)
19: Digital up command
20: Digital down command
21: PID function disabled
22: Clear counter
23: Input the counter value (MI6)
24: FWD JOG command
25: REV JOG command
26: FOCG/TQC model selection
27: ASR1/ASR2 selection
28: Emergency stop (EF1)
29: Signal confirmation for Y-connection
30: Signal confirmation for
31: High torque bias (Pr.11-30)
32: Middle torque bias (Pr.11-31)
33: Low torque bias (Pr.11-32)
34: Switch between multi-step position and multi-speed control
35: Enable position control
36: Enable multi-step position learning function (valid at stop)
37: Enable pulse position input command
38: Disable write EEPROM function
39: Torque command direction
40: Force coast to stop
41: HAND switch
42: AUTO switch
43~47: Reserved
48: Mechanical gear ratio switch
49: Drive enable
50: Master dEb action input
51: Selection for PLC mode bit0
52: Selection for PLC mode bit1
53: Trigger CANopen quick stop
54~55: Reserved
56: Local/Remote Selection
This parameter selects the functions for each multi-function terminal.
The terminals of Pr.02-26~Pr.02-29 are virtual and set as MI10~MI13 when using with optional card
EMC-D42A. Pr.02-30~02-31 are virtual terminals.
When being used as a virtual terminal, it needs to change the status (0/1: ON/OFF) of bit 8-15 of
Pr.02-12 by digital keypad KPC-CC01 or communication.
If Pr.02-00 is set to 3-wire operation control. Terminal MI1 is for STOP contact. Therefore, MI1 is
not allowed for any other operation.
Summary of function settings (Take the normally open contact for example, ON: contact is closed,
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