Chapter 11 Description of Parameter Settings
C200 Series
Ov er-Current
Detec tion Level
Frequenc y
Ov er-Current Stall P revention
during Operation, output
frequency dec reases
over-current stall preventi on during operation
Pr. 06-04 s etting
Pr. 06-04 setting-
rated drive current X 5%
Decreases by
deceleration time
Accel./Decel. Time Selection of Stall Prevention at Constant Speed
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: by current accel/decel time
1: by the 1st accel/decel time
2: by the 2nd accel/decel time
3: by the 3rd accel/decel time
4: by the 4th accel/decel time
5: by auto accel/decel
It is used to set the accel./decel. time selection when stall prevention occurs at constant speed.
Over-torque Detection Selection (OT1)
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
1: Over-torque detection during constant speed operation, continue to
operate after detection
2: Over-torque detection during constant speed operation, stop operation
after detection
3: Over-torque detection during operation, continue to operate after detection
4: Over-torque detection during operation, stop operation after detection
Over-torque Detection Selection (OT2)
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
1: Over-torque detection during constant speed operation, continue to
operate after detection
2: Over-torque detection during constant speed operation, stop operation
after detection
3: Over-torque detection during operation, continue to operation after
4: Over-torque detection during operation, stop operation after detection
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Call 1(800)985-6929 for Sales