Chapter 11 Description of Parameter Settings
C200 Series
11 Advanced Parameters
This parameter can be set during operation.
In this parameter group, ASR is the abbreviation for Adjust Speed Regulator
System Control
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Auto tuning for ASR and APR
1: Inertia estimate (only in FOCPG mode)
2: Zero servo
3: Dead time compensation closed
7: Selection to save or not save the freqeuncy
Bit 0=0: Pr.11-06 to 11-11 will be valid and Pr.11-03~11-05 are invalid.
Bit 0=1: system will generate an ASR setting. At this moment, Pr.11-06~11-11 will be invalid and
Pr.11-03~11-05 are valid.
Bit 1=0: no function.
Bit 1=1: Inertia estimate function is enabled. (Bit 1 setting would not activate the estimation
process, please set Pr.05-00=12 to begin FOC/TQC Sensorless inertia estimating)
Bit 2=0: no function.
Bit 2=1: when frequency command is less than Fmin (Pr.01-07), it will use zero servo function.
Estimate i ner tia value
Setting auto gain adjustment
Adjust Pr.11- 03, 11-04 and 11-05
separately by speed response
Adjust by requi rement
Pr.11-13 ( PDFF function)
Adjust by r equi rement
(A SR1/ASR2 switch frequency)
Adjust by r equi rement
Pr.11-17~20 ( tor que limit)
Adjust gai n value by manual
Pr.11-00=0 ( factor y setting)
Adjust Pr.11- 06, 11-07, 11- 08,
11-09, 11- 10 and 11-11
separately by speed response
Adjust by r equi rement
Pr.11-14 ( for general,
no need to adj us t)
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