When alarms have been activated and one of the alarm set-points has been exceeded while logging
(once, at least), or when battery is low, the ALARM red LED will also flash every 8 seconds. To
check if the alarm indication is due to a low battery, press the BATTERY TEST key: the instru-
ment will make a sequence of four green flashes if battery is charged (LOG LED) and of four red
flashes if battery is low/flat (ALARM LED). The battery test can be made while logging and even
when the instrument is off.
When memory is full, the instrument switches off and, upon power-on, it makes 8 red flashes at in-
tervals of one second.
Manual Logging
press the LOGGING key to start and stop the logging function.
HD226… and HD227… models have to be programmed from PC with DeltaLog2 program. Here
are the steps to be followed:
1. Activate the manual function.
2. Set the sampling interval
3. Set the alarm limits, if desired.
4. Press the LOGGING key to start logging: the LOG green LED will start flashing.
5. Press the LOGGING key again to stop logging.
A) If you press the LOGGING key and the instrument is not logging, logging will start. If the
built-in clock has been previously configured for the auto logging, the instrument will ignore the
command and will go on logging. Pressing LOG or according to the automatic stop command
(the first one between the two) will interrupt logging.
B) If the instrument is already logging (either in manual or in auto), and you press LOG, logging
will stop. The following eventual automatic stop command will be ignored.
Automatic Logging
logging start and stop are performed at an established time and date, pre-
viously set using DeltaLog2 program.
1. Make sure that the instrument date and time are properly set.
2. Activate the auto start and stop function (Start Mode = Date).