screen compatibility mode
YMODEM option
IP address of FTP server
User name of FTP server
Password of FTP server
Default directory for FTP server
FTP option, Line delimiters (CR/LF)
FTP option, Treatment of line delimiters
FTP option, Treatment of trailing spaces in data fields
FTP option, Upload mode
FTP option, Verbose mode
IP address of host PC for ping
Data size of echo request
Echo request intervals
Timeout period for echo request
No. of echo requests to be sent
Echo request send timing
TCP/IP operation device
TCP/IP link layer
Transmission speed between BHT and CU
No. of retries for link establishment command to be sent
Link establishment command intervals
No. of retries for link release command to be sent
Link release command intervals
Link release period
Timeout for getting the IP configuration from the DHCP server