Transmission format
Code ID mark
No. of digits
Data read
You may select either "No header" or STX.
You may select ETX, CR, LF, or CR LF.
Every parity bit of BCC (block check character) is set so that all set bits at the
same bit level (including a parity bit) in the characters contained in the transmis-
sion block have an even number by exclusing-ORing. Those characters do not
contain a header but include a terminator.
You may select whether BCC will be transferred. Note that BCC cannot be
transferred if the transmission block contains no header.
Transmission rate
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200 bps
Transferable characters and port settings
If not specified as binary codes, all data will be treated as ASCII codes. Listed
below are port settings you can select. If data contains double-byte Japanese
Kanji or binary data when the character length is set to 7 bits, the QS20H will
ignore the MSB.
Start bit
1 bit (fixed)
Character length
7 or 8 bits
Parity check
Even, Odd, or None
Stop bit
1 or 2 bits