1.2 Description on each indicator
Status indicator
Red, illuminating
While communicating with RF tag
Blue, illuminating
RF tag/code reading is completed.
Red, blinking (High speed, 3 times)
RF tag communication error (*1)
Red, blinking (Middle speed, 3 times)
Data transfer error (*2)
Red, blinking (Middle speed, continuously) Device error (*2)
Red blinking (Low speed, continuously)
Full buffer (*3)
Blue, illuminating (for 1 second)
Current pairing mode: Slave mode
Red, illuminating (for 1 second)
Current pairing mode: Master mode
Violet, illuminating
While using in a low temperature environment
(below 0°C),
Blue, blinking (Low speed)
Pairing available status
Blue, blinking (High speed)
Pairing is completed. (iOS terminal only)
Blue, illuminating (Continuously)
Connection is completed.
Green, illuminating (for 1 second)
Battery power level: 40% or more
Orange, illuminating (for 1 second)
Battery power level: 39% to 10%
Red, illuminating (for 1 second)
Battery power level: Less than 10%
Orange, blinking (Continuously)
Battery level warning: 39% to 10%
Red, blinking (Continuously)
Battery level warning: Less than 10%
Green, illuminating (Only while charging)
Charging is completed.
Red, illuminating (Only while charging)
While charging
Red, blinking (Only while charging)
Charging error
Status indicator
and Power
Blue, blinking (at the same time)
Software updating (*4)
*1: Confirm RF tag, peripheral environment, and applications at the host side.
*2: If these errors still occur after powering on the scanner again, there may be something wrong with the device.
Contact a system administrator.
*3: Only when in the batch mode. Transfer data by the application at the host side.
*4: Do not remove the battery until complete.