For Series 60 engines equipped with Compact Geartrain Assembly disassemble camshaft from the
camshaft gear as follows.
1. Use suitable fixture to secure the camshaft assembly from movement.
2. Install a heavy duty gear puller capable of withstanding the 7000 PSI required to remove
the gear from the camshaft. Support the backside of the camshaft gear cover as close to the
camshaft as possible to prevent damaging the gear cover and gently press the camshaft off the
gear holding the camshaft as it is pressed through the gear. Removing the camshaft gear
and cover together.
Extreme care must be taken
to support the camshaft gear
cover at the outer edges.
Install the camshaft gear on the camshaft as follows:
1. Using a suitable press, support the camshaft securely on the press. The bottom of camshaft
must be firmly secured to prevent any movement.
2. Install the camshaft gear into the camshaft gear cover and lower it as a assembly onto the
nose of the camshaft.
3. Align the key in the camshaft with the keyway in the camshaft gear.
4. Gently press the gear all the way onto the camshaft until it bottoms and is fully seated on
the camshaft.