To the Operator
This manual contains instructions on the safe operation and preventive maintenance
of your Detroit™ engine used in vehicle applications. Maintenance instructions
cover routine engine services such as lubricating oil and filter changes in enough
detail to permit self-servicing, if desired.
The operator should become familiar with the contents of this manual before
operating the engine or carrying out maintenance procedures.
Power-driven equipment is only as safe as the person operating the controls. You
are urged, as the operator of this diesel engine, to keep fingers and clothing away
from the revolving belts, drive shafts, pulleys, etc. on the engine installation.
Throughout this manual
regarding personal safety
regarding engine performance or service life will appear. To avoid
personal injury and ensure long engine service life, always heed these instructions.
Whenever possible, it will benefit you to rely on an
Detroit™ service
outlet for all your service needs from maintenance to major parts replacement.
Authorized service outlets worldwide stock factory-original parts.
The information and specifications in this publication are based on the information
in effect at the time of approval for printing. Contact an authorized Detroit™
service outlet for information on the latest revision. The right is reserved to make
changes at any time without obligation.
Detroit™ engines are built in accordance with sound technological principles and
based on state-of-the-art technology.
Despite this, the engine may constitute a risk of damage to property or injury to
persons if it is not used for its intended purpose.
The engine should not be modified or converted in an incorrect manner or the
safety instructions included in this manual disregarded.
Keep this Operator Manual with the engine installation at all times. It contains
important operating, maintenance, and safety instructions.
Coolant must be inhibited with the recommended Supplemental
Coolant Additives (SCA) listed in the
“How-To Procedures”
section of this
engine Operator Manual. In addition, the engine can be equipped with a
coolant filter as an installed option or as an after-sale item.
Failure to
check and maintain SCA levels at required concentrations will result
in severe damage (corrosion) to the engine cooling system and
related components.
To the Operator
All information subject to change without notice.