Modular Multi-service Integrated Optical Transmission Multiplexer
User Manual
The sixth bit (A/B):
Mandatorily dial it down to use the optical interface B,
dial it up to use the optical interface A. the bit is invalid in the case of
default optical switching.
The seventh bit (ETH):
Configure the mandatory Ethernet functions. Dial
it up to auto-negotiating, down to mandatory; configure all the four Ethernet
interfaces to mandatory state of 100M, the full or half duplex is determined
by the state of the fourth DIP switch.
The eighth bit (PSEN):
Enable switch of the downloading program. Dial
down to enable.
The second DIP switch (E1LOOP):
2M loopback operation, corresponding to 1-8 lines of 2M from left to right.
With the hardware control enabled, dial it down to enable the relevant 2M
The third DIP switch (E1MASK):
2M mask operation, corresponding to 1-8 lines of 2M from left to right. With
the hardware control enabled, dial it down to enable the relevant 2M mask.
The fourth DIP switch (F/HDX):
The first bit:
Mandatorily set the first line Ethernet interface as half duplex
mode, when the connected equipment of the first Ethernet interface is
working in half duplex mode, it is recommended to dial the bit down in
order to achieve better performance.
The second bit:
Mandatorily set the second line Ethernet interface as half
duplex mode, when the connected equipment of the second Ethernet
interface is working in half duplex mode, it is recommended to dial the bit
down in order to achieve better performance.
The third bit:
Mandatorily set the third line Ethernet interface as half
duplex mode, when the connected equipment of the third Ethernet
interface is working in half duplex mode, it is recommended to dial the bit
down in order to achieve better performance.
The fourth bit:
Mandatorily set the fourth line Ethernet interface as half
duplex mode, when the connected equipment of the fourth Ethernet
interface is working in half duplex mode, it is recommended to dial the bit
down in order to achieve better performance.
Note: Every bit of the above-mentioned DIP switches shall be valid
only when the seventh bit (ETH) of the first DIP switch is dialed down.