Instruction manual UNIGATE
IC - Powerlink V. 2.3
Deutschmann Automation GmbH & Co. KG
15 Accessory
The following tools are available from Deutschmann Automation.
15.1 Adapter RS232
In an application the adapter RS232 offers the possibility to replace an existing driver MAX 232
(only in DIL-16-housing) by this adapter. This board allows the use of the IC according to chapter
3.4. Please note that with it the Ethernet does not offer a connection conforming to the stan-
dards. With a plug adapter, however, at least the operation of Ethernet is possible.
The hardware is only meant for development purposes. It offers the possibility to make an
existing application capable for bus connection in no time and to test the IC’s utilizability and
15.2 Adapter RS485
From the functionality’s point of view the RS485 adapter is the same as the RS232 adapter. It
offers the possibility to replace a module LS 176 (only in DIL-8-housing) by the IC.
There are the same restrictions as for the RS232 adapter.
15.3 FirmwareDownloadTool (FDT)
The FirmwareDownloadTool is available for download from our homepage: it is required for an
update of the firmware. Condition for it is, that a PC can be connected to the serial of the IC. The
software describes the procedure of an update itself.
15.4 Protocol Developer
The Protocol Developer is the development environment for scripts, that also contain the Debug-
ger. This software package also contains the documentation to all script-commands. This soft-
ware is available for download from our homepage at http://www.deutschmann.com. The
instruction manual for the Protocol Developer, which is available in pdf-format, gives further
advise on how to use the software.
15.5 Developerkit UNIGATE
The Devloperkit IC contains
a Developerboard UNIGATE
IC (see chapter 15.5.1)
a plug-in power pack to supply the Developerboard
connection cables for appl. RS232, Debug RS232 and appl. RS422/485
Software and documentation to complete the packet.
Developerboard UNIGATE
The Developer Board was developed so that the fast implementation of the Deutschmann All-in-
one bus node UNIGATE
IC into your electronic system can be guaranteed. The board is suit-
able for all Fieldbuses and Industrial Ethernet Buses supported by Deutschmann Automation.