BIOS Setup
PS2KB Wakeup Select
This field allows you to use a function key or password to wake
up the system.
Hot Key
Use any of the function keys, between F1 and F12,
to wake up the system.
Use a password to wake up the system. Select this
option and press <Enter>. Enter your password.
You can enter up to 5 characters. Type in exactly
the same password to confirm, then press <Enter>.
If you forgot the password, you must power-off
the system, unplug the power cord and clear the
CMOS data by setting JP1 pins 2 and 3 to On.
PS2KB Wakeup from S3/S4/S5
The options in this field will allow you to use the PS/2 keyboard
to wake up the system from the S3/S4/S5 state.
PS2MS Wakeup from S3/S4/S5
This field, when enabled, allows you to use a PS/2 mouse to
wake up the system from the S3/S4/S5 state.
USB Resume from S3
This field, when enabled, allows you to use a USB device to wake
up the system.
When set to On, the system will respond and wake up to any
VGA activity.
Select the port you would like the system to respond and wake
up when an event occurs on that port.
When set to On, the system will respond and wake up to any
hard drive or floppy drive activity.