Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
LBA app.
Inverted flight
The speed in inverted flight should preferably be chosen between 120-200 km/h
(65-108 kts.). At speeds greater than 185 km/h (100 kts.) no full control
deflections are allowed.
When the speed is reduced below the minimum speed (depending on weight and
C.G. position between 105 - 115 km/h, 57 - 62 kts.) the DG-1000S will stall.
The stall will be indicated by buffeting of the tailplane. The stall starts with the
stick somewhat away from it’s forward position. When applying full stick
forward the DG-1000S will enter an inverted stable stall with high sink-rate.
The aircraft nose will noticeably point below the horizon and the airspeed
increases. The efficiency of the ailerons and rudder will not be reduced.
To avoid an uncontrolled flight condition or disorientation of the pilot, this
manoeuvre should be terminated immediately by a half roll!
Half loop and half roll
After reaching the entry speed of 220 km/h (119kts.) pull the stick quickly, but
not abruptly until reaching the inverted position.
Before the nose starts pointing below the horizon apply full aileron in the
desired direction to induce the half roll. When the wing passes the vertical
position the rudder must be applied upwards to keep the nose above the horizon.
Half roll and half loop
After reaching the entry speed of 180 - 200 km/h (97 - 108 kts.) the nose must
be raised approx. 30° above the horizon. After returning the stick to neutral
apply full aileron into the desired direction to start the half roll. When the wing
passes the vertical position the rudder must be applied upwards. When reaching
inverted flight the ailerons must be neutralized and before reaching the stall
speed pull back the stick, but not too abruptly, to start the half loop to level out.
If during the entry the nose is raised too high or the entry speed is too low,
it can happen, that the glider continues to roll into normal upright position, even
if the aileron was neutralized in inverted position .
Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
LBA app.
Slow roll
After reaching the entry speed of 180 - 200 km/h (97-108 kts.) the nose must be
raised slightly above the horizon. After returning the stick to neutral, full aileron
has to be applied in the desired direction.
When the wing passes the vertical position the rudder must be applied a little in
upwards direction.
After the wing has passed the first vertical position the stick is to be pushed
slightly (never abruptly) forward to keep the nose above the horizon. When the
wing passes the second vertical position the rudder must be applied upwards to
keep the nose above the horizon until normal flying position is reached.
If during the inverted flight the nose is raised too high above the horizon
and the speed is reduced too much, a stall could occur when the wing reaches
the second vertical position and the roll is finished as a "flicked" roll.
The stall is indicated by buffeting of the tailplane.