The electric components of the machine could short circuit when in contact with water or in moist environments.
In order to ensure the desiccation of the components, the machine should be wiped and kept in a dry environment
after being used.
Ensure proper ventilation, especially in the area where the batteries are charged. The charger should be equipped
with an earth lead connecting through the power supply of three cord wire. For the sake of avoiding electrical shock
hazards, it is highly recommended that a leakage circuit-breaker be pre-installed.
Do not recharge the batteries unless the electric platform truck has been pulled out and the cell cover has been
removed (with the exception of the maintenance free battery), since gas bubbles might appear during the process
of recharging. Each time after recharging, remember to refit the cell cover to avoid the spilling of acid liquid.
Do not put any article on the batteries!
Do not put any article on the handlebar!
While cleaning the machine, do not run water into the air inlet of the lift pump!
Safe and economical operation of the machine is only possible if the machine operators are thoroughly familiar
with the signs and contents on this Operator’s Manual. Failure to do so could be harmful.
This machine is inappropriate for cleaning rough floors and slopes; Operators cannot sit on the machine while
operating it in these circumstances.
Be aware not to have your hands, legs, or loose clothing in contact with the rotating part of the machine.
Put warning signs on the surrounding area during operation to inform the operator and others that the floor could
be wet with water or detergents.
Follow safety rules at all times during the process of transportation of this large machine.
Avoid starting the machine or charger where combustible gas or liquid is available.
Avoid laying or placing the machine where combustible gas or liquid is available.