1. Before operating, big pieces and dust on the ground should be removed. Operation should never be carried out until
no dirt, block, and wastepaper could be found on the ground, and all those procedures will help to increase the work
efficiency and protect the machine.
Insert the activation key into the start switch and rotate it to “1” (Seen in figure1) to check the battery capacity. Op
eration should never be carried out until the green light turns on (seen in figure2) to indicate the full capacity of the
Fill the solution tank with clean water, add detergent according to the floor status. There are 2 ways for water filling
(see figure 3)
Green light x4
Green light x3
Green light x2
Green light x1
Red light flash
Battery power 100%
Battery power 80%
Battery power 60%
Battery power40%
Battery needs to be charged