DIETZ / User manual rollator TAiMA M-GT, S-GT, M-ECO / Version 3.0.1 EN
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Thank you for purchasing a
TAiMA rollator from DIETZ.
The TAiMA rollator is exceptionally light,
strong and can easily be folde to stow
away. It provides ideal support during all
your daily ventures as well a seat to rest.
Before using the rollator for the first time
please read this ma nual carefully and
make sure to be familiar with all features
of the product.
The user should keep them available at all
times and keep them with the product if
this is passed on to a third party.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make
changes relative to the information provided
in these instructions as a result of technical
developments and improvements.
This document may be reprinted, translated
and/or duplicated in any form whatsoever, in
part or in full, only subject to the manufacturer‘s
prior written consent.
There is no update service for this users
manual. Please contact the manufacturer to
keep abreast of new developments.