7.4 Tray Area Pickup Jams
7.4 Tray Area Pickup Jams
FIP Note:
Paper fails to feed from the paper tray or multiple feeds occur.
Table 7–1 Tray and Pickup Jams
Tray pickup roller fails to turn.
Pickup roller fails to push
leading edge to paper
paper pickup (PS13) sensor.
Open the door, remove the pickup roller, and do the
Inspect the condition of the surface of the
tray pickup roller. Surface should be free of
dirt, pliable, and not cut or worn. If damaged,
replace the pickup roller assembly.
Look for missing gear teeth or for signs of any
other type of damage. If damaged, replace the
pickup roller assembly.
Inspect the condition of the solenoid that
actuates the tray pickup roller clutch. The
armature should move freely and the spring
should be in good condition. If parts are
missing, replace the front door assembly.
Inspect the 10-pin J209 connector that connects
to the DC control board.
Swap the following components:
Pickup roller
Front door assembly
Drive unit gears
DC control board
(continued on next page)
7–6 Paper Jam FIPs