8.3 Dark Printing
8.3 Dark Printing
The printed text is too dark and heavy. Inspect the following
elements and replace if damaged:
• Density adjustment may be set too dark. Figure 1–14 shows
the correct setting.
• High-voltage connectors of the HVPSA and EP-L cartridge
• 10-pin J206 plug that connects to the DC control board
• 10-pin J601 plug that connects to the HVPSA
Swap the following FRUs to correct the problem:
1. EP-L cartridge
2. Density adjustment board
3. DC control board
8.4 Sheet Is Completely Blank
The sheet is completely white; no toner is printed on the sheet.
Inspect the following and replace if damaged:
• If the EP-L cartridge was recently installed, check that the
toner seal was completely removed.
• High-voltage connectors from the HVPSA to the transfer roller
• Interface board.
The Interface board affects the printing of the control panel
test patterns. If the Interface board is removed, all control
panel invoked test patterns will result in a blank page. The
Engine Test print will print correctly.
If the engine test pattern prints, you know the HVPSA and EP-L
cartridge work satisfactorily and that most of the DC control
board functions.
Swap the following FRUs to correct the problem:
1. EP-L cartridge
2. Interface board
Image Defects FIPS