3.5 Playback
The Playback window contains a list of recordings made to the memory card. It shows each
recording’s start time, length, the event type used to start the recording, calendar and time-
slice bar indicates if the recording exists or not.
The description of the playback window follows.
1. Video Screen
You can see the video screen when playing the video clip in the SD memory.
2. Playback Buttons
To view a recording data in the SD local storage, select it from the list and click the
Playback buttons.
Go to the first: go to the beginning of the video clip.
Fast backward play: fast play backward of the video clip.
Backward play: play backward of the video clip.
Step backward play: go back one frame of the video clip.
Pause: pause playback of the video clip.
Step forward play: go forward one frame of the video clip.
Forward Play: play forward the video clip.
Fast forward play: play fast forward of the video clip.
Go to the last: go to the end of the video clip.
Clip copy: copy the video clip.
Zoom In: zoom in the video clip.
Full Screen: display a full screen of the video.
3. Time Chart