Operator’s Manual
Inputting and Editing Drill Data
You can manually edit SST project files by plotting the topography (topo) and the planned bore (drill plan)
into the LWD software before, during, or after a bore. You can also import this information from a
Microsoft Excel file, but it must be done prior to logging the SST bore.
Topography data points that represent the horizontal distance from the drill rig and the relative elevation
can be inserted, edited, imported, or removed from the topography table as described below. The
topography data, or terrain graph, is shown as a green line on the profile view chart.
Inserting Topography Data Points
To insert the first or next sequential topography point:
1. Right-click in any blank cell in the topography table, and then select Insert. A new topo point will
display in the data table and on the chart with default values for distance and relative elevation.
2. Edit the topography data values, if necessary.
To add a topography point to the middle of the list:
1. Select the topo point prior to where the new point is to be inserted (you can click on the topo point
in the data list or on the terrain graph).
2. Right-click on the highlighted point in the list, and then select Insert. A new topo point will display
in the data table and on the chart with default values for distance and relative elevation.
3. Edit the topography data values, if necessary.
Editing Topography Data Points
To edit an existing topography point:
1. Select the topo point to be edited (click on the topo point in the data list or on the terrain graph).
2. Right-click on the highlighted point in the data list and select Edit or double-click on the point in
the list or on the terrain graph to open the Edit Topo Data dialog box.
Edit Topo Data Dialog Box