© 2017 Digitrax, Inc.
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Wi-Fi interface to a Digitrax LocoNet for up to four compatible mobile Wi-Fi
devices and Apps.
Compatible with most Android and Apple devices running supported throttle
Easy Setup and Configuration. A single LNWI works ‘out of the box’, with no
additional configuration required.
Provides up to 32 LocoNet Throttle functionality per LNWI, with compatible
apps and Command Station.
Up to 8 LNWI can be supported per LocoNet
Multiple LNWI units automatically resolve SSID with no additional configu
Optional Wi-Fi WPA2 security for layout operations in public.
Option switches to fully customize all device settings
LocoNet Compatible
Meets FCC Class B requirements
Parts List
1 LNWI LocoNet Wifi Interface
1 2’ LocoNet cable
1 PS14 Power Supply
1 Instruction Sheet
LNWI Quick Setup
1. Visit
on your compatible Mobile Wi-Fi
device for a list of supported apps.
Follow your device manufacturer’s and app vendor’s instructions for install
ing the appropriate throttle app.
Place the LNWI in a convenient location and connect it to your LocoNet
system using a known good LocoNet cable.
Plug in the PS14 and connect the barrel plug connector to the LNWI. The ID
light will light green being mostly lit winking off as a “heartbeat” indicator.
On your Mobile Device following your device’s instructions select and join
the Wi-Fi network with the SSID “Dtx1-LnServer_XXXX-7” . The XXXX for
each LNWI is the unique LNWI serial number. This is the factory default
SSID format for all LNWI devices.
6. Open your throttle app on your device. Follow your apps instructions for
selecting the appropriate server. Most apps will automatically detect the
LNWI. If you must manually enter the server, by default the LNWI’s IP
address is, Port 12090
Follow your apps instructions to select and run a locomotive.
LocoNet Wifi Interface
Complete Train Control
Run Your Trains, Not Your Track!