The drive redirection software tries to lock the local drive before it is
redirected. That means that it tries to prevent the local operating system
from accessing the drive as long as it is redirected. This may also fail,
especially if a file on the drive is currently open. In the case of a locking
failure, you will be prompted if you want to establish the connection
anyhow. This should not be a serious problem when the note above is
respected. If the write support is enabled, a drive which is not locked
might be damaged by the Drive Redirection.
Clicking on the
button will disconnect the
Drive Redirection connection.
Please note that Virtual Drive creation is by Device manner not by
Partition. Which means it looks for I/O in BIOS and sends the
corresponding signal to host computer. This way, you are sending the
entire hard drive (may consist of ‘X’ numbers of partitions) and emulate
whatever number of partitions on host computer. You may also emulate
a DVD-Drive with the same procedure. However, this DVD-Drive
support Bootable function like Floppy and CD-ROM emulation.
11.3 User Management
On an IP-KVM, each user name has settings and permissions associated with it.
Settings affect how the user interfaces with the Remote Console. Permissions
allow or forbid the user from performing various actions on the IP-KVM’s web
pages. A newly assigned user has permissions inherited from an assigned group,
if any, or individual permissions if no group is assigned