that there is a specially designed screw-
driver supplied for the bushing (in-
cluded in the accessory bag).
Fig. 40
You should clean your machine at
this time.
Fig. 41
Prior to installation, lube the base of
the primer punch. Now adjust your new
punch (#12849 - large or #13307 -
small) so that it is flush with the bushing
(#13130 - large or #13222 - small) by
turning set screw (#13226) up or down.
If the primer punch is too low, dirt will
collect on top of it leaving imprints on
your primers. If it is too high it will bind
the slide. Note: You can use the slide for
a guide. Slide it back and forth over the
bushing to check your adjustments. See
the schematic on page 29 or the trou-
bleshooting section for additional infor-
To return the lever arm bracket assem-
bly to proper position, manually move
the primer slide underneath the
shellplate. Pull the operating handle
down. Loosen the bracket screw, slide
the assembly down until it touches the
bottom of the primer slide slot in the
frame. Back the bracket up about .010”,
retighten bracket screw.
Toolhead Removal
Disconnect the powder bar return rod
(#13960) from the bellcrank (#11234) by
releasing the return rod clip (#13929).
Fig. 42
Remove the Primer Early Warning de-
Raise the primer slide lever assembly
(#20488) and lock in place - see
Fig. 34
Obtain a 15/16” socket or wrench
(not supplied) to remove the toolhead
bolt (#13342) and washer (#13449).
Fig. 43
Now remove the toolhead (#20420).
Due to being spring loaded, there will be
some resistance. Wiggle the toolhead up
and off while holding the handle.
After removing the toolhead, carefully
lower the handle.
When reinstalling the toolhead bolt
(#13342) turn it in only finger tight then
cycle the handle up and down to make
sure everything is properly located. With
the handle in the down position, tighten
the toolhead bolt with the above men-
tioned wrench.
Shellplate Removal
Loosen the ejector tab screw
(#13896) and swing the ejector tab
(#13189) out of the way.
Fig. 38
Loosen the four locator tab screws
(#13895) about four full turns.
Fig. 37
Use a toothbrush to remove any pow-
der that may be in the threads before re-
moving the lock ring.
Next remove the lock ring (#20311).
Now push the casefeed plunger back
(#13073*) and lift the shellplate off. Be
sure to lightly grease the bore of the
shellplate when reinstalling it.
Fig. 44
Rule of thumb: turn the lock ring
down until tight then back off one-eighth
of a turn. Then tighten the four locator
tab screws (#13895).
Fig. 39 - Rotate the primer slide stop 90˚ to
move the primer slide freely in or out.
Fig. 40 - A special screwdriver for the bush-
ing has been included in your accessory bag.
Fig. 41 - It is very important to keep the ma-
chine free of grit and debris.
Fig. 44 - Your machine will work its best
when properly cleaned and lubricated.
Fig. 43 - Due to being spring loaded, there
will be some resistance when pulling the
toolhead off.
Fig. 42 - After removing the clip and discon-
necting the rod, replace the clip in the rod
for safe-keeping.
slide stop
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