the bracket.
b) Pull and twist the rubber gasket/connector which
holds the rod onto the motor, until the rod is freed from
the motor. Remove the rod out of the fireplace.
Rod may get slightly bent during removal
and re-connecting. Ensure the rod is straight when re-
placed. Otherwise, it may cause excessive noise during
c) Remove the 2 screws on the left flicker motor bracket
to detach it from the firebox.
Locate the remote control receiver mounted to the left
side of the unit and remove the wiring connections not-
ing their original connection labels on the receiver.
Using a flat head screwdriver gently pry be
tween the end of the connector and the receiver to release
the wires.
It may be helpful to mark or label the 3 black
wires to identify their location. (See labeled diagram of the
receiver - Figure 7)
Leave the 9 thin/small gauge wires permanently
attached to the receiver.
The Remote Control Receiver is fastened to the un-
derside of the Ember Bed support by four (4) mounting
studs, one in each corner. Squeeze each mounting
stud’s clasp to release the receiver from the firebox.
The tabs can also be cut using wire cutters.
Remove the log set and the cover plate on the side with
the controls in the same manner as the previous one.
Reach hand into the opening on the switch side and
locate the wiring for the red heat indicator lights.
Using a flat head screwdriver apply a little pressure to
the LED to force them out through the bottom of the
mounting place noting their original configuration.
If access to the switch side of the unit is not possible the
following instructions can be followed:
i) With the small gauge wires still attached, pull the
original receiver out of the side opening as much as
possible without damaging the wires, and set it inside
the fireplace.
ii) Cut the remaining shaft of the mounting tabs as close
as possible to the side panel of the fireplace.
iii) The replacement receiver is supplied factory mounted
on a new interior cover plate.
iv) VERY IMPORTANT!!! Please read the following steps
very carefully and refer to Figure 6. The small gauge
wires from both the original and the new receiver will
require cutting to then be connected to its matching
wire on the other receiver using the 3M push button
connectors included in the package.
v) Take the new replacement receiver/plate and cut the
small gauge wires leaving approximately 8” inches in
length from the new receiver.
vi) Using wire cutters, cut one of the small gauge wires off
the old receiver approximately 1” inch from the base,
carefully noting its location.
It may be easier to match the wires by cutting
off the plastic wire tie which secures the 9 wires all
vii) Find the same wire coming from the exact same loca
tion on the new receiver to match it up to the original
wire. Colors should match each other.
viii) Using the push button wire connector, connect the
matching wires together. Pick up wire connector and
place (1) wire into each terminal; (i.e. 1 yellow wire
from the original receiver into one hole and one yellow
wire from the new receiver in the remaining hole, for a
total of 2 yellow wires).
ix) Secure wires in the connector by pressing/crimping
the 3M symbol on the orange plastic button with slip
joint pliers or needle nose pliers. Slightly pull on end of
wires to ensure there is a strong connection.
x) Repeat this process for the (7) remaining wires cutting
and matching only one color at a time, ENSURING
ORS; (Red to Red; Orange to Orange; Blue to Blue;
Connect all of the wiring connections to their original
locations on the new receiver - depending on the age
of your unit there are 3 different remote control receiv-
ers that you could have see Figure 7 to determine
where the wires should be attached to ensure correct
Mount the new receiver in the location of the original,
ensuring the proper orientation.
Re-assemble the fireplace in the reverse order as
To replace the log set, insert the front edge of
the log set and pushing back down until the rear tab snaps
under the back ledge and the logs are resting against the
partially reflective glass.
Once installed, ensure that the levels on the
indicator lights are turning on in the correct sequence for
stage 1, 2, and 3.
Check that the fireplace operates in the correct
sequence: Stage 1 – Lights (No Heat), Stage 2 – Lights
and Low Heat, Stage 3 – Lights and High Heat.
Figure 6