DEVOS System Planning
Page 5
DEVOS System Planning
StreamPump may be installed at any location, such as a remote branch
office or satellite site. StreamPump connects to the DEVOS server and
it receives one of each available live video streams as needed. When a
viewer wishes to watch a live video and they are on the same network
as the StreamPump, the stream automatically comes from the
StreamPump rather than from the DEVOS, thus allowing hundreds of
branch office viewers to access the streams while using the bandwidth
of only one.
StreamPump caches VoD content, vastly reducing bandwidth needs,
and support time-of-date pre-positioning of content.
Arcus or Streamsie Service
Arcus is an optional CDN service that provides live streaming
bandwidth for viewers on the public Internet. It can be used three
DEVOS can “push” any live stream to Arcus. For example a
DEVOS Encoder account’s live stream can be distributed via
DEVOS but also sent to Arcus where public viewers may watch it
without viewers consuming any of the customer’s bandwidth.
DEVOS can “pull” a live stream from Arcus. For example, a live
stream from an “away” location may use Streamsie to send the
live video directly to Arcus where the public can view it, and
DEVOS can “pull” that stream in to its distribution system for
local viewers.
Arcus can be used independently of DEVOS.