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Q.: How can I check my Multi -Cell's firmware?
A.: Connect to the Multi-Cell, using the PRI Management Application. Go to the "Debug" screen.
Check the "Enable Debug" check box; uncheck the " Enable filter" checkbox. At the field, near the
"SEND" button, enter R_SID11 and press enter.
Two rows will be the feedback. At the same field enter R_SYS and press enter. One row of
feedback will be shown. U ncheck the "Enable Debug" checkbox. You should get something like
the following text message:
The f
irst circled value is the slave’
s firmware version
the second value is the master’
s firmware
Q.: I have disconnected calls from the GSM with cause number 50, what is the reason for
A.: In the PRI pc software, in SIM setting the option "CLIR Hide" is chosen or the "Predial" field
has the digits to hide the call ed number. If the SIM does not support this option then the operator
will block the call. You should choose "By network" and make sure the field "Predial" is empty.