Travel mode
The travel mode is not based on GMT or UTC time zones,
you simply need set the time shifts (offsets) you’ll be using
during your traveling. Therefore you set your “home” time,
the “west” (minus) offset and “east” (plus) offset that you
plan to use (it’s most likely that you’ll be traveling in only
one destination/direction and therefore use only one of
the two offsets). When you reach your destination (for
example, going to Paris from Montreal is going east with a
6 hours time shift), you just enable the travel mode (“west”
or “east”, “east” in the current example) and the watch
automatically apply the preset time shift. At any moment,
you can switch back and forth between home time and
east/west destination time.
1) Go to travel mode – Place the watch at 45º to display
time (bottom cursor should be not blink, if so put the
watch downward to turn off the display and start over) and
double-tap to enter the bottom advanced features icons.