The DJANGO : GYPSY JAZZ GUITAR library consists of 3 instruments. These are :
● DJANGO : GYPSY JAZZ GUITAR Lead (lead guitar sampled with microphones)
● DJANGO : GYPSY JAZZ GUITAR Lead DI (sampled through a pickup and DI)
● DJANGO : GYPSY JAZZ GUITAR Rhythm (rhythm guitar sampled w/ microphones)
The two lead versions are almost identical in their operation. The main difference is the
sample set used : One was captured acoustically, with microphones, while the other
‘electrically’, using a pickup that went into a direct box (DI).
The Rhythm instrument is quite different. Keyswitches
are used to set the root note, chord
and RR
samples. A second set of keyswitches trigger separate chord strums of various
articulations or organized into groove patterns.
Let’s take a close look at each instrument.
Single notes on a guitar can be played in multiple string/fret combinations, but the sound
timbre is different for each of those. Implementing this function is crucial for realistic
performances and we wanted the user to be able to make that timbre choice, so we sampled
all possible string and fret positions of the guitar. Furthermore, all common articulations
(playing techniques) were sampled. Through the Graphical User Interface (GUI), MIDI
Continuous Control data (MIDI CC) or Keyswitches, users can select the string/fret
combination of choice and switch between articulations. They can also automate their
performances by recording these choices. This is what deep sampling is about. If you are
new to it, don’t worry; by default the instrument is programmed to analyze your MIDI input
and automatically make valid choices for you. Of course, these choices can be manually
overridden at a later time.
[1] Keyswitch : note on the keyboard that functions as a switch, unlike regular ‘musical’ notes.
[2] RR : Short for RoundRobin. RR are alternative samples that eliminate the unnatural effect of repeating the
same sample.
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