This knob switches the release articulation. There are three settings.
Normal :
This is the regular sound that is produced from lifting the frettinghand finger off
a string. (Default setting)
Downslide :
With this release setting, instead of lifting off, the frettinghand finger slides
down the fretboard toward the headstock, still pressing the string, producing a quick
pitch drop.
Upslide :
This is the opposite of downslide. The finger slides upward, toward the guitar
body, producing the pitch to quickly rise.
Release automation is handled either by assigning a MIDI CC number to the release knob,
or by pressing one the two keyswitches
: Downslide,
: Upslide). Releasing these
keyswitches resets release to its default Normal value.
As most notes can be played on multiple string/fret combinations, each producing a slightly
different sound timbre, the neck position knob allows the user to set priority of an area over
the alternatives. This offers coarse control. For finer control, the user may use the String
Priority switches or keyswitches. Neck position knob has the following settings :
Auto :
This setting picks the closest fret to the previous note. (Default setting)
Low :
Low neck position focuses fretting to the first five frets, near the headstock.
Middle :
Middle neck position focuses fretting to the middle of the neck betweem the fifth
and tenth frets.
High :
High neck position focuses fretting above the 10th fret.
Neck position automation can be achieved by assigning a MIDI CC number to the neck
position knob. Because this is a coarse control and to preserve the amount of notes
available for keyswitches, we decided not to assign any keyswitches to this control.
Picking knob sets the stroking direction of the pick. The two directions produce different
sound and a good choice adds a significant amount of realism to a performance. There are
three settings.
Alternating :
This setting forces alternation between downstrokes and upstrokes.
(Default setting)
Downstroke :
This setting forces the use of downstrokes
Upstroke :
This setting forces the use of upstrokes.
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