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Normal Time Display
1. Press A to change mode. Mode sequence is normal time, alarm, timer, and chronograph.
2. Press B for EL.
3. Press C to toggle 12/24-hour format.
4. Press D to toggle alarm/chime on/off.
NoTe: At any point in any setting mode, press B to exit setting mode.
Time and calendar Setting
1. In normal time display, press and hold B; seconds will begin flashing.
2. Press C to set seconds to zero.
3. Press A to advance to next setting value.
4. Press C to increase digit, press and hold C for fast advance.
5. Press A to set and advance to next setting value.
6. Setting sequence is: seconds, minutes, hour, month, date, weekday.
7. Press B to exit setting mode.
Alarm Setting
1. Press A to change to alarm mode.
2. Press and hold B; minutes will begin flashing.
3. Press C to advance digit; press and hold C for fast advance.
4. Press A to advance to next setting value.
5. Setting sequence is: minutes, hour, month, date. For daily alarm, leave month and date set at
6. Press B to exit setting mode.
NoTe: Alarm will sound at preset time for 30 seconds. Press any pusher to silence alarm.
countdown Timer
1. Press A to change to timer mode.
2. Press C to start/stop the timer.
3. Press D to clear the countdown and reset the timer.
NoTe: Alarm will sound for 30 seconds when timer reaches zero. Press any pusher to silence alarm.
Timer Setting
1. Press and hold B to enter setting mode; seconds will begin flashing.
2. Press C to increase digit; press and hold C for fast advance.
3. Press A to set and advance to next setting value.
4. Setting sequence is: seconds, minutes, hour.
5. Press B to exit setting mode.
chronograph Mode
1. Press A to change to chronograph mode.
2. Press C to start/stop the chronograph.
3. Press D to reset to zero.
Split Time
1. Press D while the chronograph is running for split time.
2. Press D again to return to chronograph.
3. Press C to finalize timing.
4. Press D to reset to zero.
Time Setting
1. Press A for EL.
2. Press B to change mode. Mode sequence is: normal time, chronograph, alarm, and time setting.
3. Press C to reset.
4. Press D to start/stop stopwatch.
Time and Date Setting
1. In normal time display, toggle B until the seconds flash.
2. Press D to set seconds to zero.
3. Press C to advance to next setting value.
4. Press D to increase digit, press and hold C for fast advance.
5. Press C to advance to next setting value.
6. When adjusting hours, it is a 12-hour format when “A” or “P” appears on indicator screen; it is a 24-hour
format when “H” appears on indicator screen.
7. Setting sequence is: seconds, hour, minutes, month, date, and day.
8. Press B to exit setting mode.
1. In normal time display, toggle B to change to chronograph mode.
2. Press D to start/stop the chronograph.
3. Press C to reset to zero.
Split Time
1. Press C while the chronograph is running for split time.
2. Press C again to return to chronograph.
3. Press D to finalize timing.
4. Press C to reset to zero.
Alarm Mode
1. In normal time display, toggle B to change to alarm mode.
2. Press D to enable/disable the alarm and chime.
3. Press B to exit alarm mode.
Alarm Setting
1. In normal time display, toggle B to change to alarm mode.
2. Press C; hour will begin flashing.
3. Press D to advance digit; press and hold D for fast advance.
4. Press C to advance to next setting value.
5. Setting sequence is: hour, minutes.
6. Press B to exit setting mode.
7. Snooze function: Press B to turn on snooze function, alarm tone will sound for 20 seconds for 5 minutes.
NOTE: Alarm will sound at preset time for 20 seconds. Press C or D to silence alarm.