SuperSigma2 AM PMS
V1.5.6 17-1-2020
Page 65 (97)
©2019 DMC GmbH Herten Germany
Sensor supply voltage
This parameter sets the voltage at which the sensor is supplied.
If set to 0, the sensor is supplied at 5V.
If set to 1, the sensor is supplied at 12V.
Analog Sine-Cosine sensors are supplied by 5V so select 0 in this case.
Hall sensors technology can be suppied by either 5V or 12V, so check the sensor specifications.
Number of sensor poles
Starting from release V02.08.05b8 is possible to use sin/cos sensor with a number of sine and cosine wave couples per
mechanical revolution greater than 1. So standard situation with one sine wave per mechanical revolution means a
number of sensor poles equal to 2. This is the setting default value. Different sensor number of poles and number of
motor poles combination are possible. The condition of a integer ratio between NofMotorPoles/NofSensorPols must be
fulfilled, otherwise motor control will inhibit driving (see error code list).
Reverse sensor reading
This parameters changes the sign of the value read from the speed sensor. Setting it to one might be necessary if the
sensor’s wires are not connected properly.
In case of Sine-Cosine sensor it corresponds to swapping the speed sensor channels.
In Case of Hall sensor is like swapping any two channels.
For sensorless this setting has no effects.
Reverse motor direction
This parameter changes the motor direction (CW or CCW) corresponding to Fw or Rv. Setting it to 1 might be necessary if
two motor phases power cable connections are swapped.
Battery Voltage
“BattV AT””
This parameter sets the nominal battery voltage. It is read by the controller only after key cycle power off-on and will
have effect only after the first auto tuning procedure is performed. If a change is required it is necessary to cycle the key
and repeat the auto tuning procedure.
RMS motor current For tuning
“Ifor AT””
This parameter sets the motor nominal current for autotuning. It has to be set equal to 30-40% of motor continuous
current. It is read by the controller only after key cycle power off-on and will have effect only after the first auto tuning
procedure is performed. If a change is required it is necessary to cycle the key and repeat the auto tuning procedure.
The nominal current for autotuning “Inom” have to be set not higher than 30
-40% of motor
continuous current. Higher values can overheat and or damage the motor.
Maximum RMS motor current
This parameter sets the maximum current that will be injected in the motor when 100% of torque will be required. It
corresponds to the highest current limit for the motor.
After autotuning it is possible to change this parameter if necessary,
but a recycle of the key and a “Recalculation”
procedure is required.
Back-EMF constant (KeV)
“K emf””
This parameter sets the back-electro motive force constant expressed in VoltRms per 1000 rpm. The rms voltage is
considered phase to phase.
According to autotuning type
selected, see “
this to be enter (Auto Tuning Type = 0) or will be
calculated automatically (Auto Tuning Type = 1)
Motor phase to phase inductance
“L ph
It is the motor inductance between two phases expressed in microHenry.
According to autotuning type selected, see “
”, this to be enter (Auto Tuning Type = 0) or will be
calculated automatically (Auto Tuning Type = 1)
Maximum demagnetizing (Field weakening) current
“I demag”
This parameter sets the maximum current that will be injected into the motor when it is working in the field weakening
region. If field weakening is not required this value must be set to 1, otherwise a proper value should be entered. Refer
to motor manufacturer for proper value.