SuperSigma2 AM PMS
V1.5.6 17-1-2020
Page 25 (97)
©2019 DMC GmbH Herten Germany
Deceleration delay “Decel”
This sets the time taken to decelerate from maximum torque demand to zero torque demand in Torque Control mode,
or maximum speed to zero speed in Speed Control mode
(according to “
Increasing the value results in a slower vehicle deceleration, while decreasing the value results in a faster vehicle
If controller is in
torque mode
the deceleration delay correspond to the time, when accelerator fully released (direction
selected and brake not pressed), for torque to decrease from 100 % to 0%.
If controller is in
speed mode
the deceleration delay correspond to the time, when accelerator fully released (direction
selected and brake not pressed), for speed to decrease from 100 % to 0%.
Important for speed control:
When speed control selected (“
Mode “Spd/Torq””=0) using a very low value of time will
bring bumpy response to accelerator release.
Creep speed “Creep”
This effectively sets the initial speed or torque that the vehicle will adopt on entering drive.
Increasing the value will help minimize any delay from selecting drive to creeping the vehicle. The value corresponds to
minimum demand (speed or torque according to control mode selection “
In Torque control mode creep speed is expressed in
In Speed control mode creep speed is expressed in percentage over the minimum active speed limit. If no speed limit is
ive the percentage is calculated over the maximum speed defined by parameter “
Creep speed Ramp “CreepRmp”
This parameter set the ramp time for applying creep speed/torque. It is valid for both speed and torque control.
Maximum speed forward “SpdMaxF”
This limits the maximum forward speed of motor.
Maximum Forward Speed should not be set to a value higher than the parameter
. If
“SpdMaxF” is set higher, the maximum forward sp
eed of the vehicle
will be the “
Maximum speed reverse “SpdMaxR”
This limits the maximum reverse speed of the motor.
Maximum Reverse Speed should not be set to a value higher than the parameter
If “SpdMaxR” is set higher, the maximum forwar
d speed of the vehicle will be the
Neutral Brake torque “NBrake”
This parameter is active only in torque mode.
This sets the strength of the braking when the vehicle is in neutral, i.e. no drive signal in either direction and no brake
pressed. The setting is a percentage of maximum motor torque. The maxim
um motor torque is defined by “
“Imotmax”“ assumed to be 100% of torque.
Neutral brake ramp time “NBrkRamp”
In Torque Control mode this sets the time taken to ramp from null braking torque demand to full braking torque (100%
of torque) when the vehicle enters neutral, i.e. no drive signal in either direction and no brake pressed.
Increasing the value gives a smoother but longer transition from drive to braking.
Example: if
“Nbrake” is set to 10% and “NBrkRamp” is set to 10s the time to apply “Nbrake” torque is 1.0s.
In Speed Control mode this sets the time taken to ramp down the speed form 100%
to zero (0%), when the vehicle enters
neutral, i.e. no drive signal in either direction. Increasing the value gives a smoother but longer transition to zero speed.
Important for speed control:
When speed control selected (“
= 0) using a very low value of time
will bring a very harsh neutral braking.
Neutral brake-
End delay “NBrkEnd”
This setting is normally associated with a Walkie type vehicle fitted with an electromechanical brake connected to the
Pin 16 Contactor 2 o/p (Magnet Brake - Fan control)
” on the 35
-Way Connector. This setting allows a time to hold the
vehicle at zero speed when the zero speed is detected (speed lower than
M1-18T Zero Speed Threshold to enter hill
hold or neutral brake end ”ZSpdTh””). The vehicle will be held to speed zero if “
Mode “Spd/Torq”” is set
to 0 (Speed Mode) or 2 (Torque mode with speed mode for the end of braking) or 3. It is usually used in conjunction
with the parameter “
Electric brake delay “EBrkDly”” to opera
te the electromechanical brake. This set is active if
Hill Hold is disabled (“
”” set to 0 ).